6SAVA Horizon

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101159927



6SAVA project kick-off: Pioneering innovation across the Sava River basin

As a new driver of regional R&I development, 6SAVA is dedicated to enhancing knowledge transfer, technological advancement, and collaborative excellence across the Sava River basin, encompassing Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project leverages the successful outcomes and commercial potential of previous Research and Innovation Actions to contribute to boosting the innovation capacities, technology adoption and competitiveness in our region, which has yet to achieve the European benchmark in research and innovation performance. The project aims to align European and regional research initiatives and funding schemes to significantly increase the participation of local actors and foster innovation in the regional ecosystem. As part of this project, stakeholders from the region will be provided with free access to targeted modular training for building innovation capacities as well as the 6SAVA digital platform for technology adoption.

The project officially began with a kick-off meeting held in Belgrade, Serbia, on February 27. Funded by the Horizon Europe WIDERA programme, this Coordination and Support Action aims to catalyse the capacity building and adoption of innovative solutions in three Widening countries – Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. 6SAVA focuses on the strategic valorisation of the assets developed in H2020 SIXTHSENSE project, with a goal to set new standards in health monitoring, safety and efficiency for first responders and workers in demanding industrial environments.

This 30-month action, with overall funding of €1,198,040.00, gathers 5 partners from 4 European countries, underscoring the value of cross-border collaboration and expertise. Led by Tecnalia Serbia (Serbia), along with Telegroup Croatia (Croatia), Telegroup Bosnia (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Global Electronic Solution (Serbia) and Tecnalia Research & Innovation (Spain), the 6SAVA consortium ensures a comprehensive approach to technology valorisation and exploitation, in line with the strategic needs of the region.
For more details about the 6SAVA project, including latest updates, results and opportunities to contribute, visit our official project website at www.6sava.eu. Join our dynamic community and be part of the conversation. Let’s connect, collaborate, and collectively enhance our regional R&I ecosystem!



Project Cooridnator: Milos.Kostic@Tecnalia.com

Project manager

Tecnalia Serbia Ltd.

Deligradska 9/39, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Institutional contact: Nikola.Jorgovanovic@globalelectronic.rs

General manager

Global Electronic Solutions doo

Cara Dušana 75/37, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia